Ohio's Secretary Of State Used The Point That "Even Angel Hernandez Couldn't Blow That Call" In His Argument

So obviously Angel Hernandez retired earlier this week and the country came together with one voice like we haven't seen in decades. In fact, I can't think of an example since September 12, 2001 that had a more unified response. People were thanking God from the mountain tops that the worst umpire to ever do it was finally hanging up the cleats. Twitter was an absolute madhouse that night. And now, the jokes have left the internet and entered into the Ohio state government:

The way this story goes is that Frank LaRose, the Secretary of State in Ohio, wanted to correct some false statements regarding a ban on foreign money in state elections. Who cares, right? But in his statement, he made it clear just how false the claims were, starting "The assertion is so wrong that even Angel Hernandez couldn't blow the call".

Let me be the first to say: I hate this. What the fuck has happened to this country? More importantly, what the fuck happened to my STATE? Let the rest of the governments in the other 49 states look like jokes, but let's keep ours serious, please. And look, I'll be the first to admit that I'm looking forward to the Presidential Debates this summer more than anything else on the docket until football season, but at some point our political leaders need to stop being a farce. Or stop sitting around and trying to make jokes. Did Frank LaRose think this was….cool? Funny? I would argue it was neither, but more importantly, I would argue that the people he was speaking to had no idea what he was talking about.

* Although if they did understand the reference, and he was correct that the assertions were false, it's a pretty good analogy.

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